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Dr. Christina Arbogast

Pain Management

Acupuncture & Athletes: A Winning Combination

Acupuncture & Athletes: A Winning Combination

Whether a weekend warrior or a seasoned semi-professional or professional competitor, athletes are always looking for that competitive edge, the thing that can keep them healthy and give them a bit more in the tank to defeat the competition. 

Sports acupuncture is a great tool athletes can use as part of their overall health care strategy. Sports acupuncture is a hybrid form of acupuncture and sports medicine that is specifically used to support sports-related activity. Athletes and runners especially can use sports medicine acupuncture to relieve pain, accelerate the healing of sports related injuries, improve performance, and increase muscle flexibility. Let’s unpack each of these benefits and see just how sports acupuncture can be used to treat athletes. continue reading »

Erase Pain With Acupuncture – Here’s How

Whether it’s chronic or temporary pain, acupuncture has been proven effective time and time again at relieving pain. We know that the thought of treating pain by being stuck with dozens of tiny needles might sound counter-productive. After all, wouldn’t this make the problem worse by creating more pain? The truth is, however, holistic practice of acupuncture is a safe and effective solution for relieving pain.

Pain And How It’s Created

According to a national survey, more than one third of adults in the U.S. have recently experienced pain lasting more than a day. Pain is the nervous system’s response to some form of stimuli. It may consist of sudden, sharp spikes in a localized area (e.g. lower back pain), or it can encompass the entire body with a lighter, more dull aching sensation (e.g. muscle aches from a bacterial or viral infection).

When we are physically hurt, pain receptors (nociceptive) are activated, which subsequently sends electrical signals through the spinal cord and to the brain. This, of course, creates the distinct painful feeling that you may be experiencing.

Pain Relief Through Acupuncture

The use of acupuncture for pain relief dates back thousands of years. While various cultures throughout the world have known about its pain-relieving properties for quite some time, science is just now allowing us to understand exactly what causes this effect.

Acupuncture’s pain-relieving properties lie within its biochemical effects. Acupuncture is believed to “downregulate” M1 macrophages and upregulates M2 macrophages, which subsequently releases more IL-10 (interleukin-10) concentrations.

So, what does this all mean and how does it relate to pain relief? IL-10 is anti-inflammatory cytokine that reduces swelling and inflammation as well as pain; therefore, promoting higher levels of IL-10 through acupuncture will naturally relieve pain. Placing acupuncture needles in target areas throughout the body triggers biochemical reactions that lead to higher levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Acupuncture essentially triggers the body’s own self-healing mechanism. Each time a tiny needle is placed into the skin, the body responds by undergoing various biological changes. In turn, these changes generate the production of a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-pain chemical.

Benefits Of Treating Pain Through Acupuncture

  • No harmful side effects, such as those typically experienced by regular users of acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin.
  • Pain relief doesn’t diminish from long-term use of acupuncture.
  • Fact-acting, often yielding pain relief within minutes.
  • Strengthens the body’s immune system.
  • Safe, painless procedure that’s performed by a licensed acupuncturist.

If you would like to learn more about treating pain with acupuncture, please contact us!

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